Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Buying a piano or keyboard is a big step and a significant investment. Here are our suggestions for which pianos and keyboards to consider for beginner piano players! Here are our suggestions for how to buy the best piano or keyboard for beginners.
Before we get to the list of pianos, keyboards, and benches, here are some tips for approaching the actual purchase of your piano or keyboard.
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You will need a fully adjustable bench to get you and the keyboard at the correct height!
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If you got a fully height-adjustable bench, you can save a little money on the stand. If you do not have a height-adjustable bench, buy a more adjustable stand. Keep in mind that the cheaper stands can and will break over time, and offer less support and stability.
You may not know about piano pedals, but you will need one if the keyboard you buy does not come with one.
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Thursday, March 28, 2024